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Rap music
Pop rap
Urban pop music
The masked musician 1986zig hides his identity, his face and his biography. He became famous through cover versions of various songs on social media within a few months and built up a huge fan base there. One of his fans is the German musician Clueso, with whom he spontaneously performed a duet on social media. The singer interweaves pop and urban in his music. His debut single "Einer von euch" was released in April 2021 on the Universal record label. This was followed by the songs "Goldraub" in collaboration with Bozza, "Mitternacht" and "Fliegen". The tracks were viewed more th...
Schloss aus Sand
Schloss aus Sand1986zig

Einer von Euch


Versprich mir du gehst
Versprich mir du gehstMadeline Juno and 1986zig

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Zeiten ändern nichts (Zeiten aendern nichts)
Zeiten ändern nichts (Zeiten aendern nichts) 

Red Bull Symphonic

1986zig and Kool Savas

Red Bull Symphonic


Du hältst mich wach (Du haeltst mich wach)
Du hältst mich wach (Du haeltst mich wach)1986zig

Einer von Euch


Zeiten ändern nichts (Zeiten aendern nichts)
Zeiten ändern nichts (Zeiten aendern nichts)1986zig and Kool Savas

Einer von Euch


Ich schwör bei Gott (Ich schwoer bei Gott)
Ich schwör bei Gott (Ich schwoer bei Gott)1986zig and PA Sports

Einer von Euch


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