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Achim Reichel

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Achim Reichel (born January 28, 1944 in Wentorf near Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein) is a musician, composer and music producer from Germany. In his long musical career, Achim Reichel has dedicated himself to various musical genres. In the early 1960s, the artist celebrated his first successes as a singer in the beat band The Rattles. One of the highlights of this period was certainly a tour of England with the Rolling Stones in 1963. At the end of the 1960s, Achim Reichel was still involved in the band project Wonderland, which was produced by James Last. Achim Reichel began his so...
Aloha Heja He
Aloha Heja HeAchim Reichel

Melancholie & Sturmflut


Pidder Lüng (Pidder Lueng)
Pidder Lüng (Pidder Lueng)Achim Reichel


Der Spieler
Der SpielerAchim Reichel

Blues in Blond

Fliegende Pferde
Fliegende PferdeAchim Reichel

Was Echtes


Trutz blanke Hans
Trutz blanke HansAchim Reichel


Kreuzworträtsel (Kreuzwortraetsel)
Kreuzworträtsel (Kreuzwortraetsel)Achim Reichel

Was Echtes

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