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Adam Wade

Pop music
Jazz pop
While Adam Wade – born March 17, 1935, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – was a musician, vocalist, and actor, he is best remembered as the first black host of a television game show, the short-lived Musical Chairs (1975). In the early 1950s, after graduating from high school, he attended Virginia State University but dropped out after his freshman year and began working as a lab assistant to Dr. Jonas Salk and his polio research team. He sang and performed in his spare time but decided to leave his lab career behind and focus on a music career. Signing to New York’s Coed Records – lo...
Take Good Care of Her
Take Good Care of HerAdam Wade

Adam Wades Greatest Hits

Take Good Care of Her
Take Good Care of HerAdam Wade

His Very Best


As If I Didn't Know
As If I Didn't KnowAdam Wade

Adam Wades Greatest Hits

Brother (Title)
Brother (Title)Adam Wade and Johnny Pate

Brother on the Run


The Writing on the Wall
The Writing on the WallAdam Wade

Early '60s Lost & Found Gold


RubyAdam Wade

And Then Came Adam


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