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Adam Wylie

Your Fault
Your FaultAnna Kendrick, Meryl Streep, James Corden, Daniel Huttlestone, Lilla Crawford, Adam Wylie, Stephen DeRosa and Molly Ephraim

Into the Woods


I Guess This is Goodbye / Maybe They're Magic
I Guess This is Goodbye / Maybe They're Magic 

2002 Revival

Adam Wylie, Stephen DeRosa and Kerry O'Malley

Into the Woods


Your Fault
Your FaultVanessa Williams, Laura Benanti, Adam Wylie, Stephen DeRosa and Molly Ephraim

Into the Woods


No One Is Alone
No One Is AloneAdam Wylie, Laura Benanti, Stephen DeRosa and Molly Ephraim

Into the Woods

On The Steps Of The Palace
On The Steps Of The PalacePaul Gemignani, Kim Crosby, Laura Benanti, Adam Wylie and Molly Ephraim

Into the Woods


A Very Nice Prince / First Midnight / Giants in the Sky
A Very Nice Prince / First Midnight / Giants in the SkyLaura Benanti and Adam Wylie

Into the Woods
