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Aimee Ayotte

Rise & Chant I
Rise & Chant IRoe Summerz, Logan Gayle, Aimee Ayotte, Devon Martin, Doron Bell, JayT. Edmondson, Launch Code Productions, Mario Syentis, Mistah*D* and Naomi Chan


Sweet Reggae
Sweet ReggaeMario Syentis, Logan Gayle, Aimee Ayotte, JayT. Edmondson, Launch Code Productions and Owen Blake


Everything Is Gonna Be Alright
Everything Is Gonna Be AlrightMario Syentis, Roe Summerz, Logan Gayle, Aimee Ayotte, JayT. Edmondson, Launch Code Productions and Owen Blake


Island Home
Island HomeRoe Summerz, Logan Gayle, Aimee Ayotte, JayT. Edmondson, Launch Code Productions, Mario Syentis and Owen Blake


Run to Me
Run to MeRoe Summerz, Logan Gayle, Aimee Ayotte, JayT. Edmondson, Launch Code Productions, Mario Syentis and Owen Blake


Forever Lover
Forever LoverRoe Summerz, Logan Gayle, Aimee Ayotte, Doron Bell, JayT. Edmondson, Launch Code Productions, Mario Syentis and Owen Blake
