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Airelle Besson

Latin jazz
Cool jazz
A trumpeter, buglist and arranger, Airelle Besson (born in Paris on March 23, 1978) turned to jazz after parallel studies of classical violin. From conservatory to musicology studies, she trained to become a professional musician, winning the Concours international de La Défense in 2003 with the Rockingchair quintet. Two albums followed: Premier (2007) and 1:1 (2011), while the trumpeter collaborated with Magic Malik, Lo'Jo, Édouard Ferlet, Ornette, Hugh Coltman, Riccardo Del Fra and Metronomy, winning the Djangodor for "new talent" in 2008. Signed by the Naïve label, she recorde...
Radio One (Football Games on Radio One)
Radio One (Football Games on Radio One)Airelle Besson and Isabel Sorling

Radio One


All I Want
All I WantAirelle Besson and Isabel Sorling

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