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Al Green

Soul music
Whenever people talk about the greatest singers of all time, Al Green's name is invariably mentioned. He first appeared on stage with family gospel group, the Green Brothers, when he was nine, but was reputedly kicked out of the group by his deeply religious father when he was caught listening to the "devil's music" of Jackie Wilson. So when he was 16, he formed an R&B group, Al Green & the Creations with schoolfriends. They later changed their name to Soul Mates before releasing their first single Back Up Train, which became a surprise R&B hit in 1968. Their subsequent records f...
Let's Stay Together
Let's Stay TogetherAl Green

Let's Stay Together


How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?Al Green

Let's Stay Together


Love and Happiness
Love and HappinessAl Green

I'm Still in Love with You


Tired of Being Alone
Tired of Being AloneAl Green

Gets Next to You

Simply Beautiful
Simply BeautifulAl Green

I'm Still in Love with You

I'm Still In Love With You
I'm Still In Love With YouAl Green

I'm Still in Love with You


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