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Alain Barrière

French chanson
French chanson réaliste
French protest song
Alain Barrière (born Alain Bellec in La Trinité-sur-Mer on November 18, 1935, died in Carnac on December 18, 2019), the Breton singer with the broken voice, was the author, every summer for a dozen years from 1962 to 1972, of the slow song that allowed the most tender rapprochements. The technique was always the same: languorous rhythm, melodic crescendo and suggestive silence. There was "Cathy " (1961), which revealed him to the world and won him the Coq d'or de la chanson française, "Elle était si jolie" (1962), which propelled him to 5th place in the Eurovision Grand Prix, and...
Ma Vie
Ma VieAlain Barrière

Mes Duos d'Amour


Elle Était Si Jolie (Elle Etait Si Jolie)
Elle Était Si Jolie (Elle Etait Si Jolie)Alain Barrière

Alain Barrière - 1964


La Mer Est La
La Mer Est LaAlain Barrière

La Mer Est Là

Emporte Moi
Emporte MoiAlain Barrière

Si Je Rêve de Toi

Reve Et Realite
Reve Et RealiteAlain Barrière

Tu T'En Vas

Pour La Derniere Fois
Pour La Derniere FoisAlain Barrière

Alain Barrière - 1972

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