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Alden Richards

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Filipino celebrity Alden Richards, born Richard R. Faulkerson Jr. on January 2, 1992 in Santa Rosa, would become one of the most popular figures in his home country before his 30th birthday. Encouraged into acting by his mother, he began his career as a model. He landed his first acting break in 2010 on the soap opera Alakdana and took his stage name at that time. Film roles followed that led to him capturing a number of awards in 2011 as a new scree presence. He landed his first lead role on television in the series One True Love, and earned a Best Actor nomination for it in 201...
I Will Be Here
I Will Be HereAlden Richards

Until I See You Again


Goin' Crazy
Goin' CrazyAlden Richards

Goin' Crazy


Your Guardian Angel
Your Guardian AngelAlden Richards


How Great Is Our God
How Great Is Our GodAlden Richards

Wish I May


Thinking out Loud
Thinking out LoudAlden Richards

Wish I May


God Gave Me You
God Gave Me YouAlden Richards

Wish I May


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