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Alexander Klaws

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Alexander Klaws was born on September 3, 1983 in Ahlen, Germany. He achieved national fame in 2003 as the winner of the first season of Deutschland sucht den Superstar (DSDS). His debut album Take Your Chance is released in the same year and reaches number 1 in the German charts. The single "Take Me Tonight" from this album also reaches number 1. the second album Here I Am follows in 2004 and again climbs to the top of the charts. The single "Free Like the Wind" from this album reaches number 1 in Germany. Over the course of his career, Alexander Klaws released further albums, in...
Missing You
Missing YouAlexander Klaws



Another Day, Another Heart
Another Day, Another HeartAlexander Klaws

Free Like The Wind
Free Like The WindAlexander Klaws

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Anytime You Want Me
Anytime You Want MeAlexander Klaws

Take Your Chance

Himmel und Hölle (Himmel und Hoelle)
Himmel und Hölle (Himmel und Hoelle)Alexander Klaws

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Love at First Sight
Love at First SightAlexander Klaws



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