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Alpha 5.20

Rap music
French rap
African hip hop
A member of the Ghetto Fabulous Gang collective, rapper Alpha 5.20 leads two careers at once, as part of a group and as a solo artist. He has been making appearances and collecting mixtapes since 2001, before launching Vivre et Mourir à Dakar (2006). His uncompromising rap brings him close to the likes of Sefyu and Seth Gueko. In 2010, Alpha 5.20 released the soundtrack to the film African Gangster (which he produced), his new album Scarface d'Afrique and the mixtape Vie 2 Chakal.
Crépuscule des empires (Crepuscule des empires)
Crépuscule des empires (Crepuscule des empires)Sofiane and Alpha 5.20

93 Empire


Boyz in the Hood
Boyz in the HoodSeth Gueko, Alibi Montana, Sinik and Alpha 5.20

Barillet Plein

Avec Mon Gun
Avec Mon GunAlpha 5.20

2025 Avant Rakailles 4

Boss 2 Panam
Boss 2 PanamAlpha 5.20

Vivre Et Mourir A Dakar

CantiquesAlpha 5.20

Comme moi
Comme moiAlpha 5.20

Vivre Et Mourir A Dakar

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