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Aly Bain

Lay My Burden Down
Lay My Burden DownAly Bain and Alison Krauss


Dimming of the Day
Dimming of the DayAly Bain, Russ Barenberg, Jerry Douglas, Alison Krauss, Nollaig Casey, Donald Shaw, Danny Thompson and Mike McGoldrick


Don't Know What I Was Thinking
Don't Know What I Was ThinkingAly Bain, Russ Barenberg, Jerry Douglas, Mary Chapin Carpenter, James MacKintosh, Tim O'Brien, Donald Shaw, Danny Thompson, Michael McGoldrick, Teddy Thompson and Matheu Watson


Excuse Me Mister
Excuse Me MisterAly Bain, John Martyn, Paul Brady, Danny Thompson, John Leventhal and Tommy Hayes


Boots of Spanish Leather
Boots of Spanish LeatherAly Bain, Jerry Douglas, Nanci Griffith, Danny Thompson, Donald Shaw and Tommy Hayes

Winter Marquee


Tower Song
Tower SongAly Bain, Russ Barenberg, Jerry Douglas, James MacKintosh, Liam Ó Maonlaí, Donald Shaw, Danny Thompson, Martha Wainwright, Allison Moorer, Julie Fowlis and Jenna Reid

Transatlantic Sessions: Series 4 Volume Two
