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Aly & Fila

Electronic music
Trance music
Aly El Sayed Amr Fathalah and Fadi Wassef Naguib, who go by Aly & Fila, are Egyptian record producers and DJs known for their Internet radio show 'Future Sound of Egypt' and a record label of the same name. Childhood friends, they began performing as teenagers, established a studio and made electronic recordings. They have released several trance albums and remixes and collaborated with many other acts including Jwaydan Moyine, Bjorn Akesson and Phillippe El Sisi. They have appeared at events such as Miami's Ultra Music Festival, Tomorrowland in Belgium, and Global Gathering, whi...
We Control The Sunlight
We Control The SunlightArmin van Buuren, Aly & Fila and Jwaydan

A State Of Trance Classics - Mix 002: Aly & Fila


We Control the Sunlight
We Control the SunlightJohn O'Callaghan, Aly & Fila and Jwaydan


Coming Home
Coming HomeAly & Fila and Jwaydan

Armada Collected: Aly & Fila

We Control the Sunlight
We Control the Sunlight 

Spark7 Remix

Sied Van Riel, Aly & Fila and Jwaydan


We Control the Sunlight
We Control the SunlightAly & Fila

Rielism 2

Lost Language
Lost LanguageAly & Fila

A State of Trance 650: New Horizons


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