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Amber Coffman

Rock music
US alternative rock
American singer-songwriter Amber Coffman grew up living in three different US states and attending eleven different schools. This nomadic life no doubt helped shape her music which features a wide range of influences. She rose to prominence as the lead singer of David Longstreth's critically acclaimed indie band Dirty Projectors, joining the band in 2006 and featuring on many of the band's recordings including the successful 'Bitte Orca' album released in 2009 and their collaboration with Icelandic singer Björk. No longer a member of Dirty Projectors she began a solo writing p...
She Knows
She KnowsJ. Cole and Amber Coffman

Born Sinner


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Get FreeMajor Lazer and Amber Coffman

Free the Universe


Hold On
Hold OnRusko and Amber Coffman



Cool It Down
Cool It DownRiFF RAFF and Amber Coffman

Neon Icon


Hold On
Hold On 

Subfocus Remix

Diplo, Amber Coffman and Rusko

Blow Your Head - Diplo Presents: Dubstep


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Get FreeMajor Lazer, Amber Coffman and Spedup Trends

Free the Universe
