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Asiatic music
World music
Trần Huyền My (March 23, 2000) is a Vietnamese V-Pop singer and the first female artist to join St.319 Entertainment’s roster. Hailing from the city of Hanoi, Amee was recruited by St.319 when she was just 15 years old and underwent an intensive training period before making her first appearance on Monstar’s “Nếu Mai Chia Tay” in 2018. Her proper debut arrived in 2019 with the single “Anh Nhà Ở Đâu Thế,” whose accompanying video racked up over 2 million views on her streaming channel, further boosting her profile. Following a series of collaborations with rapper B Ray and Kay Tra...
Cuộc gọi lúc nửa đêm (Cuoc goi luc nua dem)
Cuộc gọi lúc nửa đêm (Cuoc goi luc nua dem)AMEE


Mama Boy
Mama BoyAMEE


G9 - Outro
G9 - OutroAMEE


Anh Nhà Ở Đâu Thế? (Anh Nha O Dau The?)
Anh Nhà Ở Đâu Thế? (Anh Nha O Dau The?)AMEE


Yêu Thì Yêu Không Yêu Thì Yêu (Yeu Thi Yeu Khong Yeu Thi Yeu)
Yêu Thì Yêu Không Yêu Thì Yêu (Yeu Thi Yeu Khong Yeu Thi Yeu)AMEE

yêu thì yêu không yêu thì yêu


Xuân, Hạ, Thu, Đông Rồi Lại Xuân (Xuan, Ha, Thu, Dong Roi Lai Xuan)
Xuân, Hạ, Thu, Đông Rồi Lại Xuân (Xuan, Ha, Thu, Dong Roi Lai Xuan)AMEE


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