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Anders Matthesen

Pop rap
Rap music
Anders Matthesen (July 6, 1975), aka "Anden" ("The Duck"), is a Danish stand-up comedian and actor, known for his multiple characterizations and numerous alter-egos. After a frustrated attempt to become a rapper, he began doing live comedy in 1993, finishing runner-up at the Danish Stand-Up Championship. He has released several stand-up specials and lent his voice to animated films such as Terkel i knibe (2004), based on his 2001 comedy album Hva' snakker du om? - Arne fortæller... Terkel i knibe. In 2006, Anders Matthesen revisited his rapper persona on the album Soevnloes, whic...
Jul På Vesterbro
Jul På VesterbroAnders Matthesen

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Bad BoyAnders Matthesen

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