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Andre Williams

Early R&B
Soul music
Andre Williams was renowned as one of the coolest R&B acts of the 1950s and '60s, but he was later better known by many critics as "the godfather of rap. Born in Bessemer, Alabama, Williams' mother died when he was six years old and he was raised by his aunt before making his way to Detroit, where he won a talent contest organised by Fortune Records and began crafting his bawdy, half-spoken, half-sung style and writing songs for the independent company. He was soon nicknamed 'Mr Rhythm' and scored his biggest hit in 1956 when his low-slung bar-room classic 'Bacon Fat' reached num...
Bacon Fat
Bacon FatAndre Williams

Belafonte Sings of the Caribbean

I Heard It Through the Grapevine
I Heard It Through the GrapevineAndre Williams and Andre Williams & the Quality Controls


HelplessAndre Williams

Girdle Up
Girdle UpAndre Williams

Velvet Groove: Blue
Velvet Groove: Blue 

Previously Unreleased Track; Instrumental

Andre Williams


Well Done
Well DoneAndre Williams

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