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Angelo Branduardi

Pop music
Folk music
Classical music
Since 1974, Angelo Branduardi has been offering a unique blend of pop and medieval Italian folk rhythms. The ensemble, particularly festive in concert, made a name for itself in Italy. This violinist is also gifted with languages, and he doesn't hesitate to produce partial or complete versions of his albums in French, German and Dutch. In the 1980s, he triumphed in Europe - notably with La Demoiselle - before turning his attention to film music and the Futuro Antico series, which popularized early music.
Il Funerale
Il FuneraleAngelo Branduardi

A La Foire De L'Est - Alla Fiera Dell Est


Il Signore Di Baux
Il Signore Di BauxAngelo Branduardi

Angelo Branduardi

Donna Ti Voglio Cantare
Donna Ti Voglio CantareAngelo Branduardi

La Tempesta
La TempestaAngelo Branduardi

Senza spina


Il Sultano Di Babilonia E La Prostituta
Il Sultano Di Babilonia E La ProstitutaAngelo Branduardi

Angelo Branduardi


La Tempesta
La TempestaAngelo Branduardi

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