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Arja Koriseva

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
A successful, crooning, pop diva from Finland, Arja Koriseva's reputation as a national sweetheart and powerful, versatile performer has grown since she first emerged in the late 1980s from a talent show for tango singers. Born in the small town of Toivakka in the central region of the country, Koriseva grew up singing with her family in the local church choir and was involved in theatre groups and art events. She was set for a career as a teacher until she entered the annual music competition Seinajoki Tangomarkkinat in 1989, which she ended up winning and being crowned Tango Qu...
(Is This the Way To) Amarillo
(Is This the Way To) AmarilloTony Christie, Arja Koriseva, Mallorca Allstars, Danny and Steve Hofmeyr

Love in the Shadows 12 Fine Selections by Neil Sedaka


Tule Joulu Kultainen
Tule Joulu KultainenArja Koriseva

Koko perheen joulu

Ukkonen (Vain elämää kausi 11) (Ukkonen (Vain elamaa kausi 11))
Ukkonen (Vain elämää kausi 11) (Ukkonen (Vain elamaa kausi 11))Arja Koriseva

NocturneArja Koriseva

Enkeleitä yövuorossa
Enkeleitä yövuorossaArja Koriseva

Pieni sydän
Pieni sydänArja Koriseva

Tango Illusion
