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Arnold Ross

Why Was I Born?
Why Was I Born?Gerald Wiggins and Arnold Ross

Bye Bye Blues
Bye Bye BluesBenny Carter and Arnold Ross

Swing Time - The World’s Greatest Jazz Collection 1933-1957: Vol. 4


Stairway to the Stars
Stairway to the StarsBenny Carter and Arnold Ross

Swing Time - The World’s Greatest Jazz Collection 1933-1957: Vol. 4


It's the Talk of the Town
It's the Talk of the TownCorky Corcoran, Arnold Ross, Zutty Singleton and Jake "Vernon" Porter


Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers CreepersArnold Ross

Oh, Lady Be Good
Oh, Lady Be GoodCharlie Parker, Willie Smith, Lester Young, Arnold Ross, Howard McGhee, William K. "Billy" Hadnott, Al Killian and Lee Young

Bird In Time 1940 - 1947
