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Arthur Teboul

Rock music
French chanson
Pop rock
Born in Paris on November 28, 1987, Arthur Teboul was brought up on French chanson à texte and rock. A lover of poetry, he made his name as singer and lyricist with the group Feu! Chatterton, where he left his mark on their lyrical songs. The high-school band, reunited since 2008, signed with the Barclay label for the production of the albums Ici le Jour (A Tout Enseveli) (2015), L'Oiseleur (2018) and Palais d'Argile (2021), with growing success from concerts to festivals. The group's reputation has paved the way for the singer's activities in music, film and writing. After scori...
Le beau bizarre
Le beau bizarreChristophe and Arthur Teboul

Le Beau Bizarre


DistanceMyth Syzer and Arthur Teboul



En mars reviennent les limaces
En mars reviennent les limacesL'école des fables, Enrico Macias, Jeanne Cherhal, Alexis HK, Emmanuel Moire, Dani, Peter KITSCH, Aliose, Thomas Semence, Vanille, Arthur Teboul, Lunis, Frédéric Lo, Laura Mayne, Giulia Tellarini and Jessie Chaton


Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureuxBaptiste Trotignon and Arthur Teboul

Piano Voix


La Rua Madureira
La Rua MadureiraBaptiste Trotignon and Arthur Teboul

Piano Voix


Un homme heureux
Un homme heureuxArthur Teboul and Baptiste Trotignon


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