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Atomic Rooster

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Blues rock
The story of Atomic Rooster is inextricably linked with that of Vincent Crane, its founder and only permanent member. The organist's career was constantly disrupted by psychological problems, leading to his death in 1989. He formed Atomic Rooster in 1969 after participating in the Crazy World of Arthur Brown. The band released the albums Atomic Rooster (February 1970), Death Walks Behind You (September 1970) and Made in England (1972), which testify to their progressive rock, heavily influenced by psychedelia. Atomic Rooster returned briefly in the early '80s, before Vincent Cran...
Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow NightAtomic Rooster

Death Walks Behind You


Black Snake
Black SnakeAtomic Rooster

In Hearing of Atomic Rooster


Death Walks Behind You
Death Walks Behind YouAtomic Rooster

Death Walks Behind You


Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow NightAtomic Rooster

Death Walks Behind You

Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow NightAtomic Rooster

Death Walks Behind You


Devils Answer
Devils AnswerAtomic Rooster

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