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Barbara Mason

Contemporary R&B
Soul music
Known for her hit 'Yes I'm Ready', Barbara Mason is an American soul singer and songwriter from Philadelphia. After discovering a love of music through playing on her grandmother's piano, she initially began her career in the music industry as a teenage songwriter. Mason made her name as a performer through the title track of her debut album 'Yes I'm Ready' and continued to release a string of hit singles throughout the 1960s. Transitioning her style into a more sexually-oriented funk tone in the 1970s, she collaborated with the legendary Curtis Mayfield who produced her ...
Yes, I'm Ready
Yes, I'm ReadyBarbara Mason

Yes I'm Ready


Another Man
Another ManBarbara Mason

Another Man


From His Woman to You
From His Woman to YouBarbara Mason and Furacão 2000

Love's The Thing


I Need Love
I Need LoveBarbara Mason

Oh, How It Hurts


Trouble Child
Trouble ChildBarbara Mason

Yes I'm Ready


Come See About Me
Come See About MeBarbara Mason

Yes I'm Ready

