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Barenaked Ladies

Rock music
Folk rock
Pop rock
Best known for their amusing lyrics and humorous performances, Canada's most famous export Barenaked Ladies was formed by Ed Robertson and Steve Page back in the 1980s. They later recruited bassist Jim Creeggan and his brother Andy, as well as drummer Tyler Stewart. Their rise to fame came off the back of a cassette tape of songs, Yellow Tape, which was sold locally at concerts but became so popular it achieved the status as Canada's first independently-released cassette to go platinum. Record companies soon came knocking on the door and the band's first album, Gordon came out in...
Every Subway Car
Every Subway CarBarenaked Ladies

All in Good Time


The Old Apartment
The Old ApartmentBarenaked Ladies

Born on a Pirate Ship


Off His Head
Off His HeadBarenaked Ladies

Grinning Streak


The Humour of the Situation
The Humour of the SituationBarenaked Ladies


Big Bang Theory Theme
Big Bang Theory ThemeBarenaked Ladies

BNL Rocks Red Rocks

I Don't Like
I Don't LikeBarenaked Ladies



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