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Bata Illic

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Schlager music
Bata Illic – born on September 30, 1939, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia) – is a pop crooner and schlager singer. While employed as a teacher, he and musician friend Andreas Triphan formed a band and began playing local live shows. The group split in 1961 when most member chose to relocate to France to pursue a musical career in that country. Bata Illic continued to perform in Belgrade, eventually performing for the American Embassy. This months-long engagement led to Bata Illic performing in Germany, where he recorded his first single “Die Welt Ist voller Liebe” (1966). He a...
Schau mich bitte nicht so an
Schau mich bitte nicht so anBata Illic

Goldene Evergreens mit Bata Illic

Mit Verbundenen Augen
Mit Verbundenen AugenBata Illic

Die Welt Ist Voller Liebe


MichaelaBata Illic and Eike Immel


CandidaBata Illic

Stimme Der Sehnsucht

Wie ein Liebeslied
Wie ein Liebeslied 

Karaoke Mix; Instrumental

Bata Illic and Eike Immel

Wie Ein Liebeslied

Ein Herz Steht Nie Still
Ein Herz Steht Nie StillBata Illic

Mädchen Wenn Du Einsam Bist


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