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BBC Singers

Classical music
Sacred music
Choral music
III. Seq. 1, Dies irae
III. Seq. 1, Dies iraeBBC Singers, London Mozart Players and Jane Glover

III. Sequenz: Lacrimosa
III. Sequenz: LacrimosaBBC Singers, London Mozart Players and Jane Glover

Mozart: Requiem - Maurerische Trauermusik

Der Wald: II. Transformation – Scene I
Der Wald: II. Transformation – Scene IBBC Singers, Matthew Brook, BBC Symphony Orchestra, John Andrews and Natalya Romaniw


Der Wald: VII. Scene VI
Der Wald: VII. Scene VIBBC Singers, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Morgan Pearse, John Andrews and Claire Barnett-Jones


Der Wald: III. Scene II
Der Wald: III. Scene IIAndrew Shore, Matthew Brook, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers, John Andrews and Natalya Romaniw


Der Wald: V. Scene IV
Der Wald: V. Scene IVAndrew Shore, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers, John Andrews, Natalya Romaniw and Robert Murray

