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Beethova Obas

World music
Caribbean music
Afro-Cuban jazz
Haitian songwriter, singer and guitarist Beethova Obas was born on March 25, 1964. He was the son of painter Charles Obas, who was murdered when he was just five years old. Named Beethova after the composer Ludwig van Beethoven, he learned to play guitar with his father's instrument, and in 1988 won the Prix Découvertes RFI (Radio-France International), which enabled him to record his first album Le Chant de la Liberté (1990). Invited on tour by the Martinican group Malavoi, he shot to fame with his second album Si... (1993), tinged with zouk, ballads, Caribbean rhythms and bossa...
Couleur café (Couleur cafe)
Couleur café (Couleur cafe)Beethova Obas

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IntimesThierry Fanfant, Jacob Desvarieux, Tania Maria, Angélique Kidjo, Michel Fugain, Enzo Enzo, Dede Saint-Prix, Pablo Villafranca, Daniel Lévi, Philippe Lavil, Jocelyne Béroard, Tanya Saint-Val, Kali, Beethova Obas, Tony Chasseur, Béatrice Poulot, Ralph Thamar, Nestor Azerot, Tatiana Miath, Christiane Obidol, Dominique Zorobabel, Olivier Jean Alphonse and Jean-Philippe Marthely (Daniel Levi and Jocelyne Beroard)



Vu d'ici
Vu d'iciZaf Zapha and Beethova Obas


Vu d'ici
Vu d'iciZaf Zapha and Beethova Obas


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