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Bernard Herrmann

Classical music
Film score
Stage & Screen
Less well known today than a John Williams or an Ennio Morricone, due to his death in 1975 and the lack of public interest in film music composers at the time, Bernard Herrmann was nonetheless the author of some of cinema's most distressing themes. A naked girl, a shower curtain, the spindly figure of Mrs. Bates slowly approaching with dagger in hand on subjective camera, while the shrill, jerky melody of Psycho plays... A now legendary scene that has thrilled the hearts of millions of filmgoers worldwide. As Alfred Hitchcock's official composer, Herrmann helped make the master o...
Phone Booth
Phone BoothBernard Herrmann and National Philharmonic Orchestra



Main Title (From Taxi Driver)
Main Title (From Taxi Driver)Bernard Herrmann

Citizen Kane


Twisted Nerve
Twisted NerveBernard Herrmann

Kill Bill [B.O.F.]


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