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Big Daddy Kane

Rap music
Old school hip hop
East Coast rap
Born on September 10, 1968, in Brooklyn, New York City, USA, Antonio Hardy (known as Big Daddy Kane) is an American rapper, producer, and actor recognised for his significant contributions during the golden age of hip-hop. Hardy’s journey began in 1986 as a member of the New York City hip-hop collective, the Juice Crew, which he departed in 1987, inking a deal with the Cold Chillin' record label after adopting the moniker Big Daddy Kane. His debut album, Long Live The Kane, hit the shelves in 1988, featuring hit singles like "Raw," "Ain’t No Half-Steppin’," "Set It Off," and"I’ll...
How U Get a Record Deal?
How U Get a Record Deal?Big Daddy Kane

Looks Like a Job For...


Somebody's Been Sleeping in My Bed
Somebody's Been Sleeping in My BedBig Daddy Kane

Daddy's Home


Calling Mr. Welfare
Calling Mr. WelfareBig Daddy Kane

It's a Big Daddy Thing


Sex According to the Prince of Darkness
Sex According to the Prince of DarknessBig Daddy Kane

Daddy's Home


Don't Do It to Yourself
Don't Do It to YourselfBig Daddy Kane and Big Scoob

Daddy's Home


Down the Line
Down the LineBig Daddy Kane

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