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Bill Charlap Trio

Jazz standards
The Bill Charlap Trio was formed by jazz pianist Bill Charlap, bassist Peter Washington and drummer Kenny Washington in 1997. Charlap came from a musical family, his father being Broadway composer Moose Charlap and his mother singer Sandy Stewart. Charlap is married to the jazz pianist and composer Renee Rosnes. The Trio are a leading force in jazz and noted for their interpretations of popular American songs. They made their debut with ''S Wonderful' in 1998, followed by 'Written in the Stars' in 2000. They received Grammy nominations for 'Somewhere: The Songs of Leonard Bern...
My Ideal
My IdealFreddy Cole and Bill Charlap Trio

It's Only a Paper Moon
It's Only a Paper MoonBill Charlap and Bill Charlap Trio

Things We Did Last Summer


There Are Such Things
There Are Such ThingsFreddy Cole and Bill Charlap Trio

Once in a While
Once in a WhileFreddy Cole and Bill Charlap Trio

Last Night When We Were Young
Last Night When We Were YoungBill Charlap and Bill Charlap Trio

Distant Star


If I Love Again
If I Love AgainFreddy Cole and Bill Charlap Trio

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