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Bill Frisell

Experimental rock
Rock music
Grammy Award-winning jazz guitarist Bill Frisell was born on March 18, 1951, in Baltimore, Maryland. His recording career spans three decades during which he has released more than 30 albums. His career as an artist is broadly defined by geography rather than any particular ensemble and can be broken down into two critical periods - the time he spent on the east coast in New York and the time spent in the northwest in Seattle, Washington. In the 1980s, Bill Frisell was an active participant in New York's vibrant jazz scene, and he performed and recorded with a huge number of arti...
In the Darkest Place
In the Darkest PlaceBill Frisell, Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach

Painted from Memory


The Sweetest Punch
The Sweetest PunchBill Frisell, Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach

The Sweetest Punch: the Songs of Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach


Number 9 Dreams
Number 9 DreamsBill Frisell

All We Are Saying...

Satisfied Mind
Satisfied Mind 


Jeff Buckley, Gary Lucas and Bill Frisell

Songs To No One 1991-1992


I'll Remember April
I'll Remember AprilBill Frisell and Lee Konitz

Lee Konitz Plays with the Gerry Mulligan Quartet


God's Wing'd Horse
God's Wing'd HorseBill Frisell



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