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Billy Gillies

Electronic music
Trance music
Progressive house
Belfast-born trance breakout star Billy Gillies (16 December 1989) arrived on the international dance music scene with full force as a DJ, scoring a spot on the lineup of trance knees-up Luminosity in 2019 and keeping up the momentum across a rash of subsequent singles. After racking up credits for labels such as Future Sound of Egypt (2020's "Closed Eyes" and 2021's "Orbit"), Afterdark (2021's "Density"), and others, he caught a buzz on TikTok with his self-released track "Lagoon" in 2022. His profile skyrocketed in 2023 thanks to his popular refit of Madison Avenue's 1999 class...
DNA (Loving You)
DNA (Loving You)Billy Gillies and Hannah Boleyn

DNA (Loving You) [feat. Hannah Boleyn]


Stay Happy
Stay HappyBilly Gillies


Right Here All Along
Right Here All AlongBilly Gillies and Hannah Boleyn


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