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Blind Blake

Piedmont Blues
The life and premature death of blues musician Blind Blake are something of a mystery and there are conflicting accounts of his life history. Blake was a renowned blues guitarist with a distinctive style which reflected that of ragtime piano players of the time. His recording legacy went on to inspire many musicians after; artists such as Ralph Mctell, Ry Cooder, John Fahey and Leon Redbone have all cited Blake as being an important influence in their own style. Blake emerged into the public eye during the 1920s as a blind blues player from the south who would later be immorta...
Gin & Coconut Water
Gin & Coconut WaterBlind Blake

Gin And Coconut Water

Bad Feeling Blues
Bad Feeling BluesBlind Blake

Blind Blake Vol. 1 (1926 - 1927)

Candy Man Blues
Candy Man BluesBlind Blake and Mississippi John Hurt

Folk Songs And Blues


They're Red Hot
They're Red HotBlind Blake and Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson - Father Of The Blues


Georgia Bound
Georgia BoundBlind Blake

All The Published Sides


Souther Rag
Souther RagBlind Blake
