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Blood Incantation

Metal music
Death metal
Dark ambient
Hailing from Denver, Colorado, American death metal band Blood Incantation was formed in 2011 by singer/guitarist Paul Riedl and drummer Isaac Faulk, supported since 2012 by guitarist Morris Kolontyrsky and since 2015 by bassist Jeff Barrett. Signed to the Dark Descent label, the quartet released the four-track EP Interdimensional Extincition in 2015, revealing their taste for compositions stretched towards progressive metal. The following year, their debut album Starspawn received rave reviews, followed by the live album Live Vitrification (2018). In 2019, Blood Incantation prod...
The Stargate [Tablet I]
The Stargate [Tablet I]Blood Incantation

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The Stargate [Tablet II]
The Stargate [Tablet II]Blood Incantation and Tangerine Dream

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The Stargate [Tablet III]
The Stargate [Tablet III]Blood Incantation

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The Message [Tablet I]
The Message [Tablet I]Blood Incantation

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The Message [Tablet III]
The Message [Tablet III]Blood Incantation

Absolute Elsewhere


The Message [Tablet II]
The Message [Tablet II]Blood Incantation

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