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Bob Crosby & His Orchestra

Carving out your own career when you are the younger brother of one of the world’s most popular vocalists isn’t an easy task, but Bing Crosby’s brother Bob certainly gave it his best shot. Born George Robert Crosby on August 23, 1913 in Spokane, Washington, Bob Crosby was a jazz/swing bandleader, singer, and actor. He was active on the music scene but also appeared in motion pictures and was on television frequently, hosting his own television show in the 1950s. His singing career begin with the Rhythm Boys in the early 1930s. In 1934, Crosby joined the Dorsey Brothers Orchestra ...
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!Bob Crosby & His Orchestra

Let It Snow; Let It Snow; Let It Snow / In the Valley


Over The Rainbow
Over The RainbowBob Crosby & His Orchestra

Over the Rainbow / You and Your Love


I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For
I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful ForBing Crosby and Bob Crosby & His Orchestra


Down Argentina Way
Down Argentina WayBob Crosby and Bob Crosby & His Orchestra

Hit Parade 1940


Day In, Day Out
Day In, Day OutBob Crosby & His Orchestra


Can I Help It?
Can I Help It?Bob Crosby & His Orchestra

Can I Help It / The Little Man Who Wasn't There
