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Bob Scobey's Frisco Band

Born Robert Scobey, Jr. on December 9, 1916 in Tucumcari, New Mexico, Bob Scobey was a jazz trumpeter and bandleader best known for his Dixieland-influenced recordings. His musical career began in the 1930s when he played in dance orchestras. By 1938, he had worked his way up to the second trumpeter position in the Yerba Buena Jazz Band. In 1949, he became a bandleader for his own group, Bob Scobey’s Frisco Band. As the band’s popularity grew, they began a three year residency at the Victor & Roxie’s in San Francisco, California in 1950. Vocalist and banjoist Clancy Hayes joined ...
Some Sunny Day
Some Sunny DayBing Crosby and Bob Scobey's Frisco Band

Bing with a Beat


Dream a Little Dream of Me
Dream a Little Dream of MeBing Crosby, Bob Scobey's Frisco Band and The SFO

Bing with a Beat


Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella
Let a Smile Be Your UmbrellaBing Crosby and Bob Scobey's Frisco Band

Bing with a Beat


Mama Loves Papa
Mama Loves PapaBing Crosby and Bob Scobey's Frisco Band

Bing with a Beat


Last Night on the Backporch
Last Night on the BackporchBing Crosby and Bob Scobey's Frisco Band

Bing with a Beat


Tell Me
Tell MeBing Crosby and Bob Scobey's Frisco Band

Bing with a Beat

