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Bon Scott

Rock music
Hard rock
Pop rock
Round and Round
Round and RoundBon Scott

Carey Gully
Carey GullyBon Scott

Round And Round And Round
Round And Round And RoundBon Scott

It Ain't Necessarily So
It Ain't Necessarily SoBon Scott and Spektors

The Sound of the Valentines: Complete Recordings 1966-1970

Whole Lotta Horses
Whole Lotta HorsesJohan Rubbens, Angus Young, Malcolm Young, Bon Scott, Kristof Bonnarens, Kristof Demulder, Kwinten Verspeurt and Wederik Demeersman


Down Payment Blues (Remix 2022)
Down Payment Blues (Remix 2022)Christophe Danetz, Angus Young, Malcolm Young and Bon Scott

