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Botellita de Jerez

Rock music
Blues rock
Known for their kitschy image and their often humorous lyrics, Botellita de Jerez were a Mexican rock band from Mexico City. Its classic lineup consisted of guitarist and singer Sergio Arau, bassist Armando Vega Gil, and drummer Francisco “El Mastuerzo” Barrios. Combining classic rock’n’roll with cumbia and traditional Mexican music, they jumped to fame in 1984 with their eponymous studio debut and the underground hit single “Alármala de Tos,” later covered by Café Tacvba. Botellita de Jerez followed up in 1985 with La Venganza del Hijo del Guacarock and 1987’s Naco Es Chido, whi...
Luna Misteriosa
Luna MisteriosaBotellita de Jerez

Forjando Patria


Alármala de Tos (Alarmala de Tos)
Alármala de Tos (Alarmala de Tos)Botellita de Jerez

Botellita de Jerez


El Charrock and Roll
El Charrock and RollBotellita de Jerez

Botellita de Jerez


Guacarock del Santo
Guacarock del SantoBotellita de Jerez

La Venganza del Hijo del Guacarock


El Zarco
El ZarcoBotellita de Jerez

Naco Es Chido


El Guacarock de la Malinche
El Guacarock de la MalincheBotellita de Jerez

Naco Es Chido


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