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Brent Jackson

Thank the Soldiers
Thank the SoldiersBrent Jackson and Dan Williams


Lovers to the Moon
Lovers to the MoonSunshine Makers, pHoenix Pagliacci, Brent Jackson, Ben Fox, Dennis Passley, Jemuel Roberts and Kamilah Apong


Dirt on My Boots
Dirt on My BootsBrent Jackson, Rhett Akins, Jesse Frasure and Ashley Gorley


From Now on (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
From Now on (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Brent Jackson, Justin Paul and Benj Pasek


Spin Around the World
Spin Around the WorldSunshine Makers, LTtheMonk, Carleigh Aikins, Gus Van Go, Brent Jackson, Ben Fox, Dennis Passley, Jemuel Roberts, Dan Weston and Mark Spagnolo