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Brian Steckler

Good News Great Joy
Good News Great JoyElizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Seth Condrey, Twin Lakes Worship, Brandon Li, Brian Steckler and Dave Matsumura

Roar of Heaven (Holy)
Roar of Heaven (Holy)Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Mat Ogden, Trent Smith, Dan Bailey, Shane Tiller, Roberto Bruno, Brian Steckler, Samuel Talbert (contributor) and Brandon Pasion (contributor)


Won't Stop Praising
Won't Stop PraisingTrent Smith, Mat Ogden, Dan Bailey, Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Shane Tiller, Benji Cowart, Brian Steckler, Samuel Talbert (contributor) and Corrina Jennings (contributor)


Forever Hallelujah
Forever HallelujahElizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Mat Ogden, Trent Smith, Dan Bailey, Shane Tiller, Benji Cowart, Brian Steckler, Allison Li (contributor) and Sebastian Yip (contributor)


For All of Us
For All of UsTrent Smith, Ben Moore, Mat Ogden, Ethan Hulse, Dan Bailey, Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Shane Tiller and Brian Steckler
