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Brother Ali

Rap music
Soul music
Old school hip hop
Unique in the world of hip-hop as both an albino and a devout Muslim, Brother Ali's personal, worldly and politically-charged rhymes made him an important, pioneering force on the independent rap scene in the US. Born Jason Newman in Madison, Wisconsin, he started rapping at eight-years-old and converted to Islam at 15 after visiting Malaysia where he studied a liberal, global vision of the religion. He was married with a son at 17, but got his break when underground DIY label Rhymesayers Entertainment took a liking to his demo tape and released a cassette album 'Rites of Passage...
Singing This Song
Singing This SongBrother Ali

Mourning in America and Dreaming in Color


NamesakeBrother Ali

Mourning in America and Dreaming in Color


Walking Away
Walking AwayBrother Ali

The Undisputed Truth


We Got This
We Got ThisBrother Ali and Sa-Roc

All The Beautyi in this Whole Life

Bad Ma Fucka
Bad Ma FuckaBrother Ali

Champion EP


Forest Whitiker
Forest WhitikerBrother Ali

Shadows on the Sun


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