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Buckner & Garcia

Rock music
New wave
Pop rock
Formed in 1972 in Akron, Ohio, the American duo Buckner & Garcia scored an unlikely pop hit with 1982's "Pac-Man Fever," a double-platinum tribute to the titular arcade game. Bandmates Jerry Buckner and Gary Garcia began recording novelty songs with 1972's "Gotta Hear the Beat," which they released under the name "Animal Jack." The holiday single "Merry Christmas in the NFL" followed in 1980. The pair then co-wrote a musical accompaniment to the religious poem "Footprints in the Sand," which was recorded by vocalist Edgel Groves and released in 1981. Titled "Frontprints," the son...
Wreck-It, Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It, Wreck-It RalphBuckner & Garcia


Pac-Man Fever
Pac-Man FeverBuckner & Garcia

Pac Man Fever


MousetrapBuckner & Garcia

Pac Man Fever

Do the Donkey Kong
Do the Donkey KongBuckner & Garcia

Pac Man Fever

Wreck-It, Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It, Wreck-It RalphHenry Jackman and Buckner & Garcia

Les Mondes De Ralph [B.O.F]


HyperspaceBuckner & Garcia

Pac Man Fever

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