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Buffalo Springfield

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Folk rock
When the 1960s American country rock group Buffalo Springfield were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997, organisers said they were "a supergroup that didn't exist long enough to be recognised as such". Made up of singer-songwriter guitarists Neil Young and Stephen Stills plus guitarist Richie Furay, Bruce Palmer on bass and Dewey Martin on drums, they produced three highly influential albums over two years with a handful singles, one of which - 'For What It's Worth (Stop, Hey What's That Sound' - went to number seven on Billboard's Hot 100 and earned a place in t...
For What It's Worth
For What It's WorthBuffalo Springfield

Buffalo Springfield


Mr. Soul
Mr. SoulBuffalo Springfield

Buffalo Springfield


On the Way Home
On the Way HomeBuffalo Springfield

Last Time Around


Sit Down I Think I Love You
Sit Down I Think I Love YouBuffalo Springfield

Buffalo Springfield


Sit Down I Think I Love You
Sit Down I Think I Love YouBuffalo Springfield

Buffalo Springfield

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