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Caramelos de Cianuro

Rock music
Punk rock
Pop rock
Caramelos de Cianuro is an alternative rock band formed in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1991 by . Their journey began with songs like "Nadando a Través de la Galaxia" and "Tu Mamá Te Va a Pegar" in 1992, capturing attention with their vibrant mix of Latin Punk and alternative rock. By 1994, they'd released their studio debut, Cuentos Para Adultos, marking their arrival on the Latin rock scene. The band's ascent continued with releases such as Harakiri City (1996) and the platinum-status Miss Mujerzuela (2000). 2002's Frisbee showcased their track "El Último Polvo," whose video was on h...
La Casa
La CasaCaramelos de Cianuro

Caramelos de Cianuro


La Carretera
La CarreteraCaramelos de Cianuro

Caramelos de Cianuro


Un Poco Solo
Un Poco SoloCaramelos de Cianuro

Caramelos de Cianuro


Como Serpiente
Como SerpienteCaramelos de Cianuro

Flor de Fuego


Baby Cohete
Baby CoheteCaramelos de Cianuro

Flor de Fuego


No Eres Tú (No Eres Tu)
No Eres Tú (No Eres Tu)Caramelos de Cianuro

Flor de Fuego


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