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Catherine Russell

Jazz pop
The American jazz singer Catherine Russell was born in New York in 1956 and for most of her professional life had been a backing singer working with artists such as Steely Dan and David Bowie. After her work with Bowie was put on hold whilst he took a break from touring the singer was persuaded to make a solo album and she began recording songs at a friend's studio. After hearing her perform in New York she was offered a contract by the specialist label Harmonia Mundi and her debut solo album titled 'Cat' was released in 2006. The critically-acclaimed album opened up a whole n...
If I Could Be With You
If I Could Be With YouCatherine Russell

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You're Not The Only Oyster In The Stew
You're Not The Only Oyster In The StewCatherine Russell

Alone Together

At The Swing Cats Ball
At The Swing Cats BallCatherine Russell

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Bring It Back
Bring It BackCatherine Russell

Bring It Back


Send For Me
Send For MeCatherine Russell

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Romance In The Dark
Romance In The DarkMark Shane, Catherine Russell, Matt Munisteri and Lee Hudson

Strictly Romancin'


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