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Dance music
Electronic music
Host, DJ, comedian and singer, Cauet has been one of the major troublemakers on the French audiovisual scene since the mid-1990s. A dexterous provocateur, Cauet first made a name for himself on radio, then on television with La Méthode Cauet from 2003 to 2008. Early on, Cauet released parody albums such as L'Album (1994), Le Meilleur of - The Compile Qui Déchire Sa Race (2002), and scored a hit with "Zidane y va marquer", which reached number one in the charts in 2006. In January 2012, Cauet launched Picard for Ever, a show he performed at the Palais des Glaces in Paris and then ...
La Fin du Monde
La Fin du MondeCauet

La Fin du Monde


Zidane y va marquer
Zidane y va marquerCauet

Zidane Y Va Marquer


Zidane y va marquer
Zidane y va marquer 

Version Longue


Zidane Y Va Marquer

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