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Chad Cromwell

Rock music
House of Love
House of LoveAmy Grant, Phil Madeira, Keith Thomas, Chad Cromwell, Vince Gill, Kenny Greenberg, Jerry McPherson and Tommy Sims

House of Love


Station Blues
Station BluesPieta Brown and Chad Cromwell

Beautiful Man
Beautiful ManAlison Prestwood, Rodney Crowell, Chad Cromwell, Kenny Greenberg, Glenn Worf, Steve Marcantonio, Greg Morrow, Michael Walter, Catherine Marx, Chuck Ainlay, Eddie Bayers and Harry Stinson


Sem Você Não Dá
Sem Você Não DáJuliana Tenucci, Renato Teixeira, Chad Cromwell, Eric Silver and Carolina Cohen


Back in Those Days
Back in Those DaysGarrett Mullaney, Chad Cromwell, Windy Wagner, Craig Young, Jenee Fleenor, David Kalmusky, Mike Rojas, Seth Taylor, Sol Littlefield and Steve Mullaney


You and I Are Gonna Rule the World
You and I Are Gonna Rule the WorldMass Humanity, Chad Cromwell and Windy Wagner
