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Chamber Choir Of Europe

2 Introitus: Requiem
2 Introitus: RequiemPamela Heuvelmans, Suddeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, Chamber Choir Of Europe and Nicol Matt

Mozart : Requiem En Ré Mineur, K. 626

III. Seq. 1, Dies irae
III. Seq. 1, Dies iraePamela Heuvelmans, Chamber Choir Of Europe, Robert Morvaj, Thomas Pfeiffer and Barbara Werner

Mozart : Requiem

VII. Agnus Dei
VII. Agnus DeiPamela Heuvelmans, Chamber Choir Of Europe, Robert Morvaj, Thomas Pfeiffer and Barbera Werner

Mozart: Great Choral Works

IV. Offertorium: Domine Jesu
IV. Offertorium: Domine JesuPamela Heuvelmans, Chamber Choir Of Europe, Robert Morvaj, Thomas Pfeiffer and Barbara Werner

Mozart : Requiem (1987)