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Rap music
Alternative hip hop
Asiatic music
South Korean hip hop artist Choiza was born Choi Jae-ho on March 17, 1980, in Seoul. He first came to prominence in 2004 as one half of hip hop outfit Dynamic Duo alongside childhood friend Gaeko. The duo were originally members of hip hop trio CB Mass, but the group split up in 2003 when it was discovered that third member Curbin had been stealing money from the other two. Forming Dynamic Duo, Choiza and Gaeko released their debut album, Taxi Driver, in 2004. The album became the best-selling Korean hip hop album of all time. Their sophomore album, Double Dynamite (2005), earned...
? (물음표) question mark (question mark)
? (물음표) question mark (question mark)프라이머리, Zion.T and 최자 (Primary and Choiza)

Primary and the Messengers LP


입장정리 Friendzone (Friendzone)
입장정리 Friendzone (Friendzone)프라이머리, 사이먼 도미닉 and 최자 (Primary, Simon Dominic and Choiza)

Primary and the Messengers LP


놀면 뭐해? (Nol Myeon Mweo Hai)
놀면 뭐해? (Nol Myeon Mweo Hai)보이비, 개코, GRAY (그레이), 샘김, 최자, 마미손, 지구인, 원슈타인 and Zior Park (Boi B, Gaeko, GRAY, Sam Kim, Choiza, Mommy Son, Geegooin and Wonstein)


아름다운 그대 Lovely (Lovely)
아름다운 그대 Lovely (Lovely)Crush and 최자 (Choiza)

Crush On You


내가 많이 변했어 I've Changed A Lot (I've Changed A Lot)
내가 많이 변했어 I've Changed A Lot (I've Changed A Lot)신승훈 and 최자 (Shin Seung Hun and Choiza)


난리good!!! AIR (AIR)
난리good!!! AIR (AIR)개코, 사이먼 도미닉, 프라이머리 and 최자 (Gaeko, Simon Dominic, Primary and Choiza)



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