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Claire Wright

Reggae music
World music
Country music
You Know I'm With You (with  Claire Wright & Mellodose)
You Know I'm With You (with Claire Wright & Mellodose)Dale and the ZDubs, Mellodose and Claire Wright

River Water (with Claire Wright)
River Water (with Claire Wright)Moon Taxi and Claire Wright

Mountains Beaches Cities

Setting Out for the Sun
Setting Out for the SunClaire Wright and Spencer Thomson

Setting Out for the Sun

Sand Roads (with G. Love)
Sand Roads (with G. Love)Claire Wright and G. Love & Special Sauce

Setting Out for the Sun

If You Wanna Roll (with The Elovaters)
If You Wanna Roll (with The Elovaters)Claire Wright and The Elovaters

Holding On Tight (with The Hip Abduction)
Holding On Tight (with The Hip Abduction)Claire Wright and The Hip Abduction
